Monday, June 28, 2010

Privatization and Goodbye Facebook

Hello few readers.

You might have noticed that my blog is now private. I didn't know everyone's email address so there are many people I would still like to invite to read this but just haven't been invited yet. I have privatized this blog for many reasons. Mainly it has been done to create space between our little family and others out in the cyber/real world. Nuff said.

Also! I got rid of my facebook account. As my friend, Jocelyn wrote in her blog, facebook is not a good place for those with addictive personalities. For the same reason that I cannot have potato chips or french fries in the house, I cannot have a facebook profile any longer. Justin still has his Facebook if you want to keep in touch with him. Or... we could just actually talk on the phone! If that is still too personal, I do love texting.

With that said, I am off to get things done that normally would wait until after my facebook stalking was complete. (I.e. apply for jobs, write papers, study for tests, work on some crafting projects I have going on, cleaning, running, etc.)

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