Monday, April 13, 2009


The highlight of my Easter, by far, was watching the Mormon Messages video on youtube from a talk given last conference.

I love when Elder Holland talks about the Atonement. Justin got me a painting of Christ coming out of the tomb and the American Folk Hymn collection of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who loves American history and Mo Tab. They were very sensitive to the history of american spiritual music and even included african american spirituals in the collection. It made me want to read more history books this summer.
Anyway, it was a great relaxing Easter Sunday. I wish this holiday was a bigger deal in a non-comercial way because I think Christ's death and resurrection is more important than His birth.I also love that we celebrate Christ conquering death during the spring when life re-emerges from the dead, cold earth. It's such a warm, happy time to come out of hibernation. I feel so revitalized in the spring knowing that school is almost over and I can play in the sun all summer long. Birds chirp, plants turn green again and the sun seems so warm and friendly. It's like all the earth remembers and acknowledges that it's Savior lives and overcame the grave 2000+ years ago.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Concentration Gradients

The more I learn about how the body works, the more I'm convinced that every reaction, production or change occurs by concentration (or pressure or osmotic) gradients. For anyone unfamiliar with concentration gradients, here is a picture to illustrate the concept:
Basically, molecules move from a high to low concentration. Like when you pour water, the molecules flow into the empty glass.
Well, here is the point of this entry. Concentration gradients should always apply to picking a chair to sit in when in public places. If you walk on a train or bus and there is one other person, don't sit RIGHT next to that person! Pick a seat far away!! This defies all laws of nature that have taken millions of years to perfect!
To the kid in my math class that always sits RIGHT next to me: Use the concentration gradient method!!!! Pick a different bloody seat!!! Your breath reeks of stale coffee and cigarettes! Every time you ask a question your horrible odors waft to my nose. You need to shower DAILY... and drenching colgne on your dirty clothes is not an effective solution! So either: learn some basic hygiene techniques taught to small children or use the concentration gradient!!!
This also applies to people driving on the freeway. Don't tailgate other cars, people. There is plenty of room on the road, space yourself away from the other cars.
That is all I have to say.