Monday, March 1, 2010

Favorites of the week

I did this a few years ago when my girl-BFF left for her mish to Manchester. So, I'll copy it and do it over again in honor of my favorite Evelyn whom I dearly miss and can't wait for her return in May. I might just wet my pants when she comes home (especially if she's picked up a smashing British accent.)

Favorite things of the week:

Breakfast- ice cold grapefruit. Man on man do I love grapefruit!

Music- I'm really loving Alicia Key's "Element of Freedom" album. Everytime I listen it just gets better and better. Especially "Love is Like the Sea"

Clothing- My black Stoic fleece is my new bestie. It never lets me down and I love the ginormous hood.

Water source- when I posted this in 2008 I wrote "filtered water from the water cooler at work" and this has not changed. HPC spa water is simply the best.

Deal- Sadly, I do not shop very much anymore. But on Valentine's Day Justin's employer, did an employee deal where you could get climbing shoes AND harness for $45 so we bought two of them. Usually shoes alone run about $100-$300 so we lucked out.

Saying- Any contemporary term for pregnant. It drives my sister, Caroline, crazy to hear people say "preggers" "prego" etc. So it's funny to me.

Political- Health Care Reform. What a joke on all sides of the issue.

TV- US hockey beating Canada. And the closing ceremonies. Loved it!

School- My kinesiology class is the bomb. I love learning about injuries and prevention and rehabilitation mixed with advanced anatomy. It's so great.

Smell- I bought some candles from Bath and Body Works. Pineapple and Caribbean margarita. They smell amazing and make it seem less wintery in the house.

Anatomy- I'm in love with legs. It's what sets us apart from 90% of the animal kingdom. Being bipedal is amazing. I have always loved Sartorius and Rectus Femoris, but Fibularis Tertius and Biceps Femoris are starting to really grow on me.

Social- last weekend we had a blast snowshoeing with Marianna and Brandon then playing Wii Mario Brothers. I only fell in the stream once and Justin only face planted once. Haha.

Possession- I really like our Subaru. It's nice having a gutsy outdoor car that is fuel efficient.

And here are some pictures of Evelyn for your enjoyment.

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