Well, my friends, the time has come. I have foresaken my sworn oath to hate men and live as a free woman, shunning all domestic endeavors. I will no longer spend my money carelessly on makeup, clothing, outdoor gear (well... maybe I'll still buy outdoor gear) and dark chocolate. My selfish whims are going out the window to be replaced with "partnership." Mine and Evelyn's dream of growing old together with millions of cats has been left behind. I will no longer spend hours at night popping zits, eating peanut butter and crackers in bed or taking up my queen sized bed with fourteen pillows and a fuzzy green body pillow. Why?
I'm engaged. Yay!
Justin and I finally reached the conclusion that we like each other enough to start paying bills, clean house and do taxes together. Ahh, the bliss of marriage. I would just like to take the time to answer some commonly asked questions.
Q: How did he propose?
A: It was a beautiful Friday night. He took me to Thaifoon for dinner and then the U of U Homecoming Dance. We danced (and sweat) the night away. Afterward he took a different turn that led us to temple square. We were in front of the Salt Lake Temple when he asked me if I would marry him. Well... being the smart blonde girl I am, I thought he was kidding. So I replied "okay!" When he showed me the "ring" (a ring pop) I freaked out. Eventually I said yes for real.
Q: Where will you live?
A: Somewhere cheap, near the university, with a dishwasher.
Q: When are you getting married?
A: Friday afternoon, November 14th.
Q: Where's your engagement ring?
A: Sigh.... well, you can't really buy a size 3 so it's being custom made at the moment. In two weeks I get a size 5 ring to wear for a while with a plastic sizer so it won't fall off.
Q: How long have you been dating?
A: About 11 months.
Q: How does your family feel about it?
A: My parents couldn't be happier. Hilary doesn't really care. Caroline is way excited and has already begun some of the wedding planning.
Q: Why are you getting married during the semester?
A: Evelyn leaves Nov. 21st. It's really important to me that she be there. Besides, I hate long engagements. It never worked for Pam from the Office. So it wouldn't work for me.
Q: What's his last name?
A: Henderson. I'll be Adrienne Christine McAvoy Henderson. Or maybe McAvoy-Henderson. Haha.
Q: Where is the honeymoon?
A: We're thinking Jackson Hole for the weekend. But come December we're going to Brazil!
Q: What are your colors?
A: I'm not that far into it yet. I think we'll do our favorite colors. Green and orange. It could be like a throw-up motif.
Well, I think that covers it. It'll be a small wedding. But if you would like an invitation to the Open House, feel free to leave me your address and it would really help me.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Favorites of the Week
Favorite things of the week:
Breakfast- sliced farmer's market peaches, plain yogurt, squirt of agave nectar, organic granola and a lot of saigon cinnamon. Yum!!!
Music- "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters.
Clothing- Chacos! New Prana jacket from www.backcountry.com
Water source- filtered water cooler at work
Deal- tons of organic body products HALF OFF from Smith's Marketplace. (Jason, Alba, Avalon). Best find? Kiss My Face mint shave cream. Best stuff EVER!
Saying- "Taking notes is for suckers" (Jordan Hulet, my brother-in-law)
Political- Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's skit on Palin and Clinton. Definitely a must see.
TV- Jim proposed to Pam!!
School- Referencing Christ in my paper about Greek literature in a very secular class.
Smell- Orange and Cinnamon essential oils mixed and diffused. Also, the smell of deteriorating leaves up Millcreek Canyon.
Anatomy- holding lungs in anatomy lab. I've held them before, but never truly comprehended their density and complexity.
Social- chatting with Evelyn. I'm gonna miss her when she's in Manchester. Also, going to CPK after a LONG day of studying with Justin.
Possession- Bed! Speaking of... GOODNIGHT!
Breakfast- sliced farmer's market peaches, plain yogurt, squirt of agave nectar, organic granola and a lot of saigon cinnamon. Yum!!!
Music- "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters.
Clothing- Chacos! New Prana jacket from www.backcountry.com
Water source- filtered water cooler at work
Deal- tons of organic body products HALF OFF from Smith's Marketplace. (Jason, Alba, Avalon). Best find? Kiss My Face mint shave cream. Best stuff EVER!
Saying- "Taking notes is for suckers" (Jordan Hulet, my brother-in-law)
Political- Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's skit on Palin and Clinton. Definitely a must see.
TV- Jim proposed to Pam!!
School- Referencing Christ in my paper about Greek literature in a very secular class.
Smell- Orange and Cinnamon essential oils mixed and diffused. Also, the smell of deteriorating leaves up Millcreek Canyon.
Anatomy- holding lungs in anatomy lab. I've held them before, but never truly comprehended their density and complexity.
Social- chatting with Evelyn. I'm gonna miss her when she's in Manchester. Also, going to CPK after a LONG day of studying with Justin.
Possession- Bed! Speaking of... GOODNIGHT!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm totally heterosexual

If you read the entry below this, you'll find that I'm happily dating a great guy. So I just want to clarify that before I write this entry. I'm very heterosexual and love men. (Some more than others. Some not at all. Some I'm trying really hard to love.) Anyway!
But I would just like to announce that I am totally in love with ALICIA KEYS. Tonight I saw her in concert at Abravanel Hall. Holy crap. That woman has SOUL! She is amazing on the piano and could totally hold her own in any classical or jazz setting. She write her OWN music. She was friendly, unassuming and HOT. She was totally comfortable in her own body and had AWESOME stage presence.
Sometimes I have dreams where I can sing like a black woman-Aretha Franklin/Mary J. Blige-style. Those dreams are freaking sweet and when I wake up I only wish it were true. Tonight after hearing her belt out "Fallin'" and "No One" on stage I was completely blown away. I want to follow her around and worship her. This isn't possible, obviously, because I have a life. But I just wanted to make it clear that I LOVE ALICIA KEYS!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
10 Months of Dating Bliss
Today marks the 10 month anniversary of Justin and I! We have officially been dating through each of the 4 seasons and I would just like to say that it was been AWESOME! I have never had a more fulfilling relationship in my entire life. We definitely agree that he is the yin to my yang and vice versa. In commemoration, I would like to list some of the top ten most memorable things that have happened during our courtship.
1. Best prank ever! Justin's brother Zach kept pulling annoying pranks on Justin for months after he got back from his mission. He and I carefully plotted the perfect prank to retaliate. One evening we moved his car while he and his wife went on a date so that they would think that was the end of the prank. However, we dumped a TON of very fine pink glitter into his air vents and then turned the knobs so that it would be on full blast when the key was turned in the ignition. At 4:00 am we were hanging out and Zach went out to his car to leave for work. Two minutes later he comes back in the house, sparkling in pink and says "You're dead."

2. This one is kinda funny, kinda depressing. One weekend Justin came to visit me in Telluride. It was a really great romantic weekend and we had a blast. On his way home a storm was predicted for Spanish Fork Canyon, but he went anyway. Upon entering the canyon, highway patrol shut down the canyon for lack of visibility on Soldier's Summit and poor Justin sat in his car for FOUR hours waiting for the canyon to re-open!
3. In the spring Justin, me and my dad decided we want to ride Slickrock Trail in Moab despite me and my dad's lack of mountain biking experience. Justin fairly warned us, but we still insisted. Well, 5 miles into the ride and 2 1/2 hours later my dad and I were miserably walking the trail while Justin tried to lighten things up. The whole trail took a whopping 5 hours to complete and my dad and I were miserable. Justin got heat stroke and I swore I would never ride again. (I did though...)
4. In my ward in Telluride, there was this really old guy who couldn't hear very well and was overly friendly. Justin came to church with me one Sunday and the old guy didn't recognize us. He came up to us and asked for our names and Justin replied, "I'm Justin Henderson." He looked at us and gave a big grin and said, "Welcome! Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" Justin and I looked at each other and smiled. The next hour, Sunday school, the old guy stood up to introduce us to the entire congregation (who I had already introduced myself to as Adrienne McAvoy) as "visitors named Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."
5. One of my favorite, most romantic dates with Justin are when we go to the temple together. My mom had been doing geneology work for the first time ever in the early spring. We had the opportunity to take my dad's family's names. I watched with tears in my eyes as Justin was baptized on behalf of my great grandfather, Lonnie McAvoy. Then he baptized me in behalf of my great grandmother, for whom I am named after, Christine Brockman Saunders. It was so amazing to do work for my relatives.
6. One Sunday afternoon my family made a typical McAvoy family Sunday dinner. (Oven roasted potatoes, steak, fresh green beans, artisan bread and a romaine salad.) I was feeling a little queasy but ate it anyway. Ten minutes later I was throwing up EVERYTHING. Immediately after I came down with a fever of 104 degrees. It was like a train hit me with food poisoning from the day before. While I lay in bed all day, Justin drove 45 minutes to my parent's house with a can of chicken noodle soup and a bottle of water. I was so happy that he had been thoughtful enough to make the drive. He and my dad gave me a blessing and 15 minutes later the fever broke and I was fine! He and I chilled on my old bed and watched Finding Nemo while I ate chicken noodle soup for the rest of the evening.
7. Our trip to San Diego was definitely memorable! I loved spending 90 hours straight with him. I never got sick of him and realized that I couldn't ever see myself without him. :)
8. One Saturday I had a the worst day at work ever. People were demanding and mean. Then the hotel owner told everyone they had to stay for a multi-level marketing meeting (which had NOTHING to do with massage therapy) despite the fact that I had done 7 massages straight without a break and had another one immediately after. To top that, Parley's Canyon was shut down for construction so I would have to drive all the way around through Provo Canyon and then back down to SLC. I was in a FOUL mood. Justin called me on my way home and everything he said set me off and I totally snapped at him. I was so miserable. Instead of retaliating or getting defensive, I came home to see him sitting in my driveway with a bouquet of flowers and open arms. He said "I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I know you're just upset about your day" and gave me a big hug and forgave me for being a brat. I started crying and felt awful for being a jerk, but thanked him for being so understanding. Am I lucky or what?
9. Here is a funny one that happened today. On our way home from our anniversary dinner a song from his iPod came on the stereo. He asked me "how do you like this song?" I listened to it for a few seconds (Sweet Caroline by Dave Matthews) and RIPPED into it. I went on for about 5 minutes about how horrible it was. Finally, he looked over at me with a sad look and told me he put it on a CD he had made for me earlier that day. I felt SOOO bad!
10. I have to tell the story of our first date! So we had gone biking a few weeks before so we knew each other vaguely. First I went to his house in Millcreek. Then he took me to the Training Table for dinner and we both discovered we ate grilled cheese sandwiches the same way. (Pulling off pieces and eating them instead of biting into the sandwich.) He also ordered cheese fries and later admitted he thought I was weird for picking the cheese off. (Little did he know of my disdain for melted hard cheese.) Then we went to Maggie Moos and got ice cream shakes. He finished his and 1/2 of mine. We went to the dollar theater to watch Ratatouille and I totally got him out of his comfort zone by making him sneak in our shakes. He was very scared, but I loosened him up. During the movie I could tell he wanted to hold my hand, but I wasn't interested so I played the "just try and hold my hand" game. Afterwards we met up with a friend from his mission, Scott and Scott's girlfriend Sonya. We all went up Millcreek Canyon and made s'mores. He tried to build the fire, but after Scott and Justin worked at it for a good 15 minutes I stepped in and had a roaring fire in 2 minutes. I think I may have emasculated him. We snuggled together while we enjoyed the fire and ate mallows. Finally we dropped Scott and Sonya off. We went back to his house so I could get my car and when I arrived Justin was extremely tired so we sat awkwardly in my car for a few minutes having a conversation while our minds were on the near-future doorstep scene. I finally got out of the car and went over to him to give him a hug. He didn't let go of me so I stayed put. Finally I asked him "What?" He sheepishly responded "I'm trying to decide if I should kiss you." I was half shocked half bewildered. So I just raised my eyebrow. A second later he leaned in awkwardly and kissed me! Now, in his defense, I was only his second kiss. However, it was definitely not my favorite kiss I've ever had. Despite this, I went on more dates with him and we are still happily dating!
The end!

1. Best prank ever! Justin's brother Zach kept pulling annoying pranks on Justin for months after he got back from his mission. He and I carefully plotted the perfect prank to retaliate. One evening we moved his car while he and his wife went on a date so that they would think that was the end of the prank. However, we dumped a TON of very fine pink glitter into his air vents and then turned the knobs so that it would be on full blast when the key was turned in the ignition. At 4:00 am we were hanging out and Zach went out to his car to leave for work. Two minutes later he comes back in the house, sparkling in pink and says "You're dead."

2. This one is kinda funny, kinda depressing. One weekend Justin came to visit me in Telluride. It was a really great romantic weekend and we had a blast. On his way home a storm was predicted for Spanish Fork Canyon, but he went anyway. Upon entering the canyon, highway patrol shut down the canyon for lack of visibility on Soldier's Summit and poor Justin sat in his car for FOUR hours waiting for the canyon to re-open!
3. In the spring Justin, me and my dad decided we want to ride Slickrock Trail in Moab despite me and my dad's lack of mountain biking experience. Justin fairly warned us, but we still insisted. Well, 5 miles into the ride and 2 1/2 hours later my dad and I were miserably walking the trail while Justin tried to lighten things up. The whole trail took a whopping 5 hours to complete and my dad and I were miserable. Justin got heat stroke and I swore I would never ride again. (I did though...)
4. In my ward in Telluride, there was this really old guy who couldn't hear very well and was overly friendly. Justin came to church with me one Sunday and the old guy didn't recognize us. He came up to us and asked for our names and Justin replied, "I'm Justin Henderson." He looked at us and gave a big grin and said, "Welcome! Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" Justin and I looked at each other and smiled. The next hour, Sunday school, the old guy stood up to introduce us to the entire congregation (who I had already introduced myself to as Adrienne McAvoy) as "visitors named Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."
5. One of my favorite, most romantic dates with Justin are when we go to the temple together. My mom had been doing geneology work for the first time ever in the early spring. We had the opportunity to take my dad's family's names. I watched with tears in my eyes as Justin was baptized on behalf of my great grandfather, Lonnie McAvoy. Then he baptized me in behalf of my great grandmother, for whom I am named after, Christine Brockman Saunders. It was so amazing to do work for my relatives.
6. One Sunday afternoon my family made a typical McAvoy family Sunday dinner. (Oven roasted potatoes, steak, fresh green beans, artisan bread and a romaine salad.) I was feeling a little queasy but ate it anyway. Ten minutes later I was throwing up EVERYTHING. Immediately after I came down with a fever of 104 degrees. It was like a train hit me with food poisoning from the day before. While I lay in bed all day, Justin drove 45 minutes to my parent's house with a can of chicken noodle soup and a bottle of water. I was so happy that he had been thoughtful enough to make the drive. He and my dad gave me a blessing and 15 minutes later the fever broke and I was fine! He and I chilled on my old bed and watched Finding Nemo while I ate chicken noodle soup for the rest of the evening.
7. Our trip to San Diego was definitely memorable! I loved spending 90 hours straight with him. I never got sick of him and realized that I couldn't ever see myself without him. :)
8. One Saturday I had a the worst day at work ever. People were demanding and mean. Then the hotel owner told everyone they had to stay for a multi-level marketing meeting (which had NOTHING to do with massage therapy) despite the fact that I had done 7 massages straight without a break and had another one immediately after. To top that, Parley's Canyon was shut down for construction so I would have to drive all the way around through Provo Canyon and then back down to SLC. I was in a FOUL mood. Justin called me on my way home and everything he said set me off and I totally snapped at him. I was so miserable. Instead of retaliating or getting defensive, I came home to see him sitting in my driveway with a bouquet of flowers and open arms. He said "I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I know you're just upset about your day" and gave me a big hug and forgave me for being a brat. I started crying and felt awful for being a jerk, but thanked him for being so understanding. Am I lucky or what?
9. Here is a funny one that happened today. On our way home from our anniversary dinner a song from his iPod came on the stereo. He asked me "how do you like this song?" I listened to it for a few seconds (Sweet Caroline by Dave Matthews) and RIPPED into it. I went on for about 5 minutes about how horrible it was. Finally, he looked over at me with a sad look and told me he put it on a CD he had made for me earlier that day. I felt SOOO bad!
10. I have to tell the story of our first date! So we had gone biking a few weeks before so we knew each other vaguely. First I went to his house in Millcreek. Then he took me to the Training Table for dinner and we both discovered we ate grilled cheese sandwiches the same way. (Pulling off pieces and eating them instead of biting into the sandwich.) He also ordered cheese fries and later admitted he thought I was weird for picking the cheese off. (Little did he know of my disdain for melted hard cheese.) Then we went to Maggie Moos and got ice cream shakes. He finished his and 1/2 of mine. We went to the dollar theater to watch Ratatouille and I totally got him out of his comfort zone by making him sneak in our shakes. He was very scared, but I loosened him up. During the movie I could tell he wanted to hold my hand, but I wasn't interested so I played the "just try and hold my hand" game. Afterwards we met up with a friend from his mission, Scott and Scott's girlfriend Sonya. We all went up Millcreek Canyon and made s'mores. He tried to build the fire, but after Scott and Justin worked at it for a good 15 minutes I stepped in and had a roaring fire in 2 minutes. I think I may have emasculated him. We snuggled together while we enjoyed the fire and ate mallows. Finally we dropped Scott and Sonya off. We went back to his house so I could get my car and when I arrived Justin was extremely tired so we sat awkwardly in my car for a few minutes having a conversation while our minds were on the near-future doorstep scene. I finally got out of the car and went over to him to give him a hug. He didn't let go of me so I stayed put. Finally I asked him "What?" He sheepishly responded "I'm trying to decide if I should kiss you." I was half shocked half bewildered. So I just raised my eyebrow. A second later he leaned in awkwardly and kissed me! Now, in his defense, I was only his second kiss. However, it was definitely not my favorite kiss I've ever had. Despite this, I went on more dates with him and we are still happily dating!
The end!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Congratulations to my rad girlfriends!!!
This is a tribute to my three girlfriends who all got their mission calls recently.
Congratulations, Mandy Reynolds on your call to Independence, Missouri!
I'm so excited for you. Thank you for being one of my closest friends and for helping me through the tumultous times I went through while going through massage school. You were always there for me, even when I was a brat. You will do amazingly well serving the people in Independence! You have a wonderful gift of listening to others and empathizing. You are one of the most compassionate people I know.
Congratulations, Evelyn Mather! Manchester, England!!
What a perfect call for you! You were made for that mission. I'm so excited for all the adventures and service you will experience. However, the thought of not seeing you for a year and a half is a little depressing. You have been an amazing friend throughout the years and continue to be. Your wisdom, depth and humor have been a saving grace for me for many years. I love you so much. I can't even begin to tell you how much I mean it. I know, without a doubt, that all the people you serve in England will fall in love with your personality and because of it, the Spirit will work miracles in those people ready to receive the Gospel of Christ. So, congrats! I look forward to seeing you go through the temple and begin your journey in full-time service to our God.
Finally, congratulations, Adrienne Tedjaumulia! I know you were waiting for your call for a LONG TIME! I was so excited to watch you open your letter and see your expression when you read "Taiwan, Taipei."
That is also a perfect mission for you! You will be speaking Mandarin, something you've been working for for a year now. I'm so excited for you, Adi! You are so ready for your mission. With your patience, love, acceptance and openness to cultural changes/differences, you will serve an amazing mission and I know the people there will love you! I will also miss you. You have been my longest friend through my life. From 7th grade on (although you thought I was annoying then...) you have been someone I can trust 100% . I love you so much and I wish you the best!!
Love you all!! Thank you for blessing my life by being great friends and people I love and trust. You are going to be, and are GREAT!
Congratulations, Mandy Reynolds on your call to Independence, Missouri!

Congratulations, Evelyn Mather! Manchester, England!!

Finally, congratulations, Adrienne Tedjaumulia! I know you were waiting for your call for a LONG TIME! I was so excited to watch you open your letter and see your expression when you read "Taiwan, Taipei."

Love you all!! Thank you for blessing my life by being great friends and people I love and trust. You are going to be, and are GREAT!
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