Monday, May 3, 2010

Finals Week

This is finals week. Once I finish this blog it's all business til 12:00 pm Wednesday when I walk out of my last final. Justin and I have a final on Tuesday afternoon (physics), then I have my chemistry final the next morning and Justin will do his Organic Chemistry and Genetics finals back to back on Thursday morning. Celebration will commence Thursday evening at Five Alls. Hurray!

Then a week break and we jump into summer semester.

Lately I have been dealing with the harsh reality that life is not fair. It's not fair that my chemistry teacher is the only one in the entire department that isn't curving her grades. It's not fair that Justin and I got stuck with the new physics teacher who just can't seem to write a decent test or have consistent graders. It's not fair that after 2 years of working at the spa I'm at I have no seniority whatsoever and that the new hires have priority in their work schedule instead of me, who has been a trainer and leader since our first director left. It's certainly not fair that everyone there has received pay cuts. And it's not fair that my sweet husband will have to work Saturdays in the summer when he has been wanting to have them off all school year so he can train for his races.

But that's life. And God is teaching me a valuable lesson about patience and humility. It's easy to feel entitled to special treatment and reasonable teachers/employers. But the truth is, all I can control is my attitude. Gratitude is key.

Justin and I are doing our best and even though it feels futile sometimes, I know we are learning life lessons that we'll need as educators, parents and activists in our communities. But like Dwight Schrute said last week, "Why can't I just be a puppeteer and have it work for once????"

Haha. Oh well! God is good and has provided for us so far. I have faith that everything will work out for the best.


Caroline and Jordan said...

It will all work out! Don't fret. Its easy to feel like everyone you deal with on a daily basis is trying to screw you over... Jordan and I feel like this a lot lately. Hang in there!

Reimschiissels said...

Patience, patience. I'm glad you have a good perspective during all this. How wonderful that you can see through all the muck to a glorious time to come someday in the future!