Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My life is a machine

June, the best month of the year, is almost gone. Que triste! But it's okay because my birthday was fabulous. I'm making good money. I'm in shape.... for me. And my boyfriend still rocks.

However! I'm feeling like I'm in the rat race. Like a hampster in a wheel. Last Saturday I ran 7 miles, did 7 hours of massage in PC, and drove to Hilary's birthday party in Highland all in one day. The next morning I did 6.5 hours of massage and tried to enjoy the Sabbath, feeling like I couldn't really enjoy it after working all day. The next day I watched the kids for 8 hours, went running and crashed around midnight. Tuesday I went to the temple, did 5 hours of massage and rode up Millcreek (as some cross training) with Justin. Today I worked 8 hours with the kids and ran 5 miles. Tomorrow I work 8 hours with the kids, run 3 miles and massage for 3 hours. Blah blah blah. My life has officially become consumed by running/cross training, massage, watching the kids and hanging out with Justin.

I shouldn't complain though. I was so stressed to find a job when I moved back to Utah. I fasted and prayed and went to the temple. My resume probably went out to 15 different places. I just desperately wanted to make as much money as I could to pay for school in the fall. Now I'm making lots of money but paying for it by not having a moment of down time. Also, training for 26.2 miles isn't helping.

I need an attitude adjustment. I want to be grateful for the Lord giving me what I asked for. Here is a list of things I'm grateful for.

1. A healthy, strong body
2. Free rent! (Thank you Aunt Cathy and Uncle Karl!!)
3. An amazing boyfriend who I fall more in love with everyday
4. Strong wrists (you have to have them for massage)
5. Soy milk (I found out I'm a little lactose intolerant)
5. The beautiful view of downtown from our house in Canyon Rim
6. My bike Gabrielle
7. My new sleeping bag Taylor
8. Watching Quinn (3 year old girl I nanny) take bubble baths. She is SOOOO cute.
9. The scriptures, especially Alma's stories
10. Having 2 temples 15 minutes away
11. Memory foam mattress
12. "On Guard" essential oil from doTERRA (it's saved me so many times from getting sick)
13. Internet access in my room
14. Having and LDS spa director
15. Clients with lots of money to spend on massage (cuz 50% of it goes in my pocket!)
16. My new chaco sandals
17. Mineral Makeup... it's amazing!
18. Having a really traumatic past 2 years. Because I have so much more confidence now.
19. Being 5 minutes from I-215 and I-80.
20. Most of all, for the Atonement.

I would write more, because I could probably list 100 things, but I'm tired and need sleep. So I'll post an update on Sunday with some pictures of me recently. Tchau.

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