Thursday, February 7, 2013

Little Sprout

Tuesday we had our first anatomy scan ever! We went to LDS hospital in the avenues early that morning to get our scan done. I had felt a little anxious, wanting to hear that my little one was healthy and happy. Justin and I were convinced we were carrying a little girl and we already had a name picked out for her.

During the scan little sprout was not cooperating and kept moving around, fidgeting, and wouldn't let us get a good look at the brain. Hopefully it was because he was getting annoyed at being poked at, rather than a sign of things to come. 

It turns out that little sprout is ACTUALLY a boy! Still in a little bit of shock over that news. But the image was clear, DEFINITELY a boy. No doubt. Of course the best news of all was that he is healthy, the placenta is developing well, and everything looks great.

At the end of the appointment, the doctor came in and gave us a peak on their 3d scanner. The image took my breath away and I began to tear up. There was my precious little one, with his sweet face, eyes closed, looking so vulnerable. Anyone considering an abortion really should get a 3D scan first. You really get a sense that what you're carrying is a tiny human with a soul, and a face, and is at your mercy.

We are both very happy to hear that he is healthy. It's still a shock that he's a boy, but I am so excited to start this totally new adventure. I have no idea how to play with or raise a boy, neither does Justin really. I've heard it's just like a girl, but with more legos and monster trucks, and less drama. So for now, Porsche will be the only little girl in my family... even though she smells like a zoo, eats garbage, and rough houses more than her brother. Oh well. :) Life is full of surprises.


1 comment:

Professor Malouf said...

congrats! He is going to be so cute. You can tell by the pictures already!