Sunday, November 16, 2008


While Justin naps this lovely Sunday afternoon, I thought I would write a little about our marriage which happened two days ago. It was an awesome day for both of us. Justin was definitely nervous, but he managed to survive and marry me. That morning my sister Caroline and best friend Evelyn came over to help me with hair and makeup. I admit, I am not very girly so I'm grateful they could step in and take charge. While I got ready, Justin went running with his husky, Zoey, showered and got breakfast with his mom from Burger King. I think he just needed to keep his mind off of it. He gets really nervous. Earlier that week we had met with his Stake President with all our concerns. He calmed all our fears and gave us counsel to "make out every night that week." After we left his office Justin said, "Best stake president EVER!"

Before we were sealed in the temple the officiator came out to meet us in the waiting room. He told us we looked like we could be brother and sister. We didn't know how to feel about that. Then he proceeded to give us a brief history of the Salt Lake Temple. We both looked at each other like, "what does that have to do with getting married?" But the he was so old and sweet we couldn't help but listen.
After we came out of the temple, two awesome family friends took pictures. Gene Manookin, Justin's friend's mother was there and my sister's best friend, Erica Newel took our pictures. Here are some of the pictures Erica took... (we don't have Gene's yet).
This is us coming out of the temple. Justin and I really don't like having our pictures taken, but I have to admit that it was fun for once to feel like I had the paparazzi following us. Justin's mom picked out this tie for our wedding. It totally fits his personality. I don't know if he's named this one yet, but all his ties have funny names like "Brazillian sunset" or "Orangesicle." These are our rings. My dad commented that "with all that bling you could be the wife of a rapstar. You could be called 'Mrs. Jay-zee.'" Though we didn't have bridesmaids/groomsman, etc. Justin's brothers Zach and Josh and his best friend Tyrel came in place of groomsman and best men. Similarly, my sisters Caroline and Hilary were there and my best lifelong friends Evelyn Mather (the redhead) and Adrienne Tedjamulia (the one that's 1/2 chinese) came. Erica really did a fantastic job. Here are some really sweet/artsy pictures. I'l post more pictures when I get them from our two photographers.


Cammie said...

Congratulations! I love the pictures. you look beautiful!

aly said...

hey cousin! your pics are beautiful! my parents said your ceremony was wonderful, and hopefully i get to see you at your reception! (im gonna try my best to make it!) oh and i thought your stake president's advice was hilarious for guys!! :)

Nate and Janie said...

So cute! I'm glad you posted some pictures already since I couldn't see you in person!