The first row is all about special places to me. I find that places have as much meaning in my life as symbols and people.
1. This is a picture of Lake Blanche in the Wasatch Mountains. Lake Blanche is only a 20 minute drive and a 3 hour hike. Justin and I have made it our tradition to hike up there every 4th of July weekend. This is where the best tasting water on the earth is (that I have found). It is also gorgeous and has special romantic memories for Justin and I. I love it there. Heaven on earth.
2. Telluride, CO. To me, Telluride represents a second chance, healing and redemption. I moved there for 4 months after a traumatic relationship with a boy and to get away from everyone, to start fresh. I worked long hours, snowboarded every morning, ate healthy organic food and enjoyed the therapeutic mountain air. It represents so many things for me and was a place of healing. I haven't been back since that time, but I plan on it.
3. This is Jackass Pass in the Wind Rivers of Wyoming. I have only had one absolutely perfect day in my life. The day Justin and I went fishing for the first time together in the Wind Rivers was it. First of all, I love fishing and reminds me of my relationship with my Dad and his father. Second, it was Justin's first catch and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. We did nothing that day but hike, fish, eat and nap in the backcountry. Absolute perfection.
4. Although this picture doesn't do it justice, this is Nelson County, Virginia. I feel so drawn to this place and always have, as if a part of me belongs there at my grandparent's house in the rural town of Roseland. I love it and I feel like the story of who I am begins there.
5. Aspen trees. I love aspens. I love the leaves, the way they sound in the breeze and love the fact that a grove of aspen trees is not a bunch of trees stuck together but is one giant organism. It is a global community of oneness. What a beautiful symbol of unity, growth and beauty.
6. Yoga. Yoga is my sanctuary and the most grounding force, besides my family and mother earth, in my life. It reminds me to slow down, breathe and appreciate my own strength.
7. Grapefruit. My favorite food. Nothing else satiates like a cold, big, juicy, red grapefruit.
8. Bluegrass music. As you can see, I am a bit of a earthy/granola girl. I love bluegrass music. It reminds me of my southern roots, Nelson County, Virginia and my paternal side of the family. I love it, it makes my soul soar.
9. Water. I am drawn to it like a magnet. If I see a river/lake/ocean/pond then you can bet that I'm standing knee deep in it. Give me a pool and I'm like a fish in water. I love it. I drink lots of it (and almost nothing else), bathe in it more than once a day and seek it out.
10. Canning. Canning is awesome. I love it because you can grow your own food, preserve it through the winter and it tastes so much better than buying store-bought canned crap. Plus, it is a family tradition that my mother and her mother did. It makes me feel closer to them and reminds me of the strong, proud feminine heritage that was passed onto me.
11. Anatomy. I guess you can say I am an anatomy geek. It is the one subject-along with physiology-that is a pure joy for me to learn. I love the human body. The more I study it the more I realized that we from a divine source. There is absolutely no way we crawled out of the ocean as bacteria a bazillion years ago. God made us after Him and our bodies, when taken care of, are as perfect as the plant that we live on.
12. The Book of Mormon. A true testament of Jesus Christ and the only book that can bring me so much peace. It teaches the story of life, death, hope and redemption. It is the road map for life.
Now do your own! http://bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php